MNG email marketing connects clients with the right customers

Media News Group’s email marketing is a unique option for your business, connecting owners with more than 200 million deliverable opt-in emails. Not only does Responder Email from AdTaxi connect you with your ideal customers, but it also reveals to you the names and addresses of those who opened and clicked your email, allowing you to match your mailing list with your sales list.

Click here for more information on email marketing.


Newsletters: Reaching digital readers on their time

CaptureMedia News Group’s “We Deliver” project focuses on bringing the news to readers wherever they are. And while readers continue to trend toward digital and mobile products, some have found the constant flow of information to be a bit overwhelming. We at MNG have addressed that with our daily morning newsletters.

Each morning’s newsletter contains the day’s top five stories and directs readers to each publication’s social media accounts.  Continue reading Newsletters: Reaching digital readers on their time